So after all my anxious moments and nerves I made it I am banded!!
Thursday night after my little panic about the missing period, I actually got so stressed out that I got this red itchy rash all over my body. I was pulling my skin off almost like hives. So at midnight I was standing in a cool shower trying to get it to stop itching. Managed 3 hours sleep before I woke again scratching. It was almost time to get up anyway so up I got. I had a Telefast to stop the itching.. not sure if I was meant to but it worked and the itching stopped.
Got to the hospital at 6am as they had asked as I was first on the list. All signed in and then had to say goodbye as I was going straight through to pre-op and then theater. I hate saying goodbye just did it quickly and off I went. Questions, health check, weigh in and gowned. Then more waiting! My over the top anaesthetist had told me that I would get a "gin and tonic" before going through to the larger operating theater. Quite funny really he gave it to me and it didnt really touch the sides I was chatting away and started teasing him say that if it was suppose to make me stop talking it hadnt worked, well he says here's your next shot of G&T bang I dont remember a thing from then on! hahahahaah so glad I dont remember the mask on my face part ewww...
So woke up in recovery and that wasnt too bad.. I didnt realise that I would be in the high dependency ward just because they wanted to monitor me closely with the morphine they had give me and I was considered high risk. That's where I spent the night getting ob's every two hours, so not much sleep for me! I did vomit shortly after getting back to the ward and once after trying 40mls of milk for dinner... ohhh so nasty vomiting after this surgery!
So at 4am I got up to use the bathroom and there is was my missing period.. Cheeky tart that she is... why today and not 3 days ago! I normally have the worst time pain wise with them and this one isnt any different. The pain meds are helping a bit but I did take a naprogesic (like Midol) as well which I am hoping I was allowed to do!
So far today Ive had, Brekkie 4 spoonfuls of jelly and a cup of tea. Lunch 50mls of Optifast shake, and now another sweet cup of tea. for dinner I might try some custard. Loving the sweet, milky warm tea very soothing. trying with the water also!
So a massive thanks you all for replying and reading my blog. your support is so amazing you guys really understand and I look forward to sharing more!