Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 days till band day!!!

So the count down is going so quickly now... 5 days till band day!

Wow its taken so long for this week to arrive and now its here and I feel like I am trying to put the brakes on!

In the last 2 weeks,

Ive doubted the band.. wondered if it will really work

Questioned my own strength to get through this

Kept picturing the moment they put the mask on your face to put you to sleep arhhh scary!

Had some anxiety about handing over my job for 2 weeks!

Started telling more people about the pending surgery...

So I have 3 days at work.. 3 fairly intense days Id say then I am off until the 10th of April. I have a question to all you banders that have gone before me! Is there anything I should buy food, meds anything before Friday!! any advice please!!

Looking forward to a interesting week a head!

K xx


Jacquie said...

Good luck to you this week. I am also being banded this week on Wed. 3/24 so we are in the same boat!

THE DASH! said...

You're going to do just fine!! Really you will - AND you will be a success at it. If I can do it, anyone can.. trust me on that.

Be thinking of you this week. Is it Thursday that's banding day?

workinprogress said...

Good luck - you are really close now - and all the scary thoughts and feelings are really normal!

As far as things to have on hand - a heat pack is a good idea. Maybe some disolvable panadol?

All the best :-)